Saturday in Paderborn (Game Jam Day 3)

Today was the third day of our game jam with German students. We made a good amount of progress on Soshi Shinobi, though Xbox controls with 2 controllers continues to be a pain to program. Though at this point keyboard controls work with Player 1 on WASD and Player 2 on keyboard keys. Switching works properly, too. At about 5:00, we took a break from the game jam to go have dinner at a barbecue.

The German students prepared a variety of food for all of us, including hamburgers, sausages, hot dogs, grilled cheese (literally), and steak. Some of us sat on blankets, others at tables, while Alex put his Minecraft wisdom to use to create his own throwing axe.

Before and after dinner, we played a fun little drinking game called Flunkyball. Two even teams of people line up with an alcoholic beverage in front of them on the ground. Between both teams is a half-full 2-liter bottle of soda (courtesy of me…), and each person on each team throws a ball at it to try and knock it over. If they’re successful in knocking it over, everyone on the team picks up their beverage and drinks as quickly as they can. Two people designated on the opposite team must run over and stand the soda bottle back up, and pick up the ball and bring it behind their own line of beverages, then shout “stop!” Then the scoring team stops drinking, and a player on the opposite team tries next. If a player misses, nobody drinks, and the next player on the opposite team tries next. The game ends when everybody on one team finishes, and that team wins.

Image result for flunkyball
Image result for flunkyball
Pictures taken from Google Images because I forgot to take them during our games

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